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Prevents standard web headers from being output

The SuppressHeader command will allow you to toggle the output of headers to the web server (or command line). Remember that SuppressHeader must be called before any actual output is sent, either by html output, the Say command, or any external functions.

Sample Source

SuppressHeaders True

Say "There will be no headers!"

Sample Source

SuppressHeaders True

# Do something

SuppressHeaders False

Say "Headers will still show up!  
     The headers were turned back on 
     before any output was started."

Sample Source

Say "Output of some sort"

SuppressHeaders True

Say "ERROR!  
     Too late, SuppressHeaders will fail 
     because the output has been started"

Related Function(s):
   AddHeader; ContentType; Say;

Minimum version: 4.7.20050120